Answers about Biology

The Oral microbiome is a community of microorganisms, เครื่องจักรโรงงาน ราคาถูก predominantly bacteria, เครื่องจักรโรงงาน ราคาถูก found within the mouth of humans and animals. Several hundred species of bacteria

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What is the word meaning ‘has both basic and acidic qualities’?

Asked by Wiki User

AMPHOTERIC. Various salt of Aluminium exhibit this characteristic. When placed in an acidic environment it will behave as a base. Conversely when placed in an e

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What is a random change in DNA called?

Asked by Wiki User

Mutations are random changes in the sequence of bases in DNA. The word mutation may make you think of Ninja Turtles, but that’s a misrepresentation of how most

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Why do you classify living things as biologists?

Asked by Wiki User

Living organisms are classified mainly to avoid confusion, to make study of organisms easy and learn how various organisms are related to each other. Scientists

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What unique characteristics do all the zodiac constellations share”?

Asked by Jerald Orn

All zodiac constellations share the unique characteristic of being located along the ecliptic, the apparent path of the Sun across the sky. These constellations

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What unique characteristics do all zodiac constellations share”?

Asked by Elsa Champlin

Happy little question! Each zodiac constellation has its own special story to tell in the night sky. What they all have in common is that they each connect us t

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What are the differences between the effects of a red sun and เครื่องจักรโรงงาน ราคาถูก a yellow sun on the environment and living organisms?

Asked by Brycen Goodwin

A red sun emits less energy and heat compared to a yellow sun. This can affect the temperature, growth of plants, and behavior of animals in the environment. Li

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What are 4 reasons biologists use scientific names?

Asked by Wiki User

Answer and Explanation: Scientists use scientific names for organisms so that it is universally understood what organism they are referring to. Different langua

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What is waters characteristics because of hydrogen bonding?

Asked by Wiki User

Liquid water is denser than ice,Ice floats on top of liquid water.

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